Coding tutors at SkoolOfCode

Passionate, empathetic and engaging expert coding teachers only!

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3+ Years




Learn from Experts!

All of our online coding tutors have degrees in computer science or engineering, and years of experience teaching computer programming online to kids. They go through a rigorous selection process that only selects the top 1% .

Top skills for our teachers

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Advanced Computer Science degrees

All coding tutors have a Bachelors's or Masters's in Computer Science or allied fields.

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Experienced in K-12 education

Coding tutors have 3+ years of experience teaching coding to young kids.

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Support a great working environment

Well versed with practical live projects and activities that support an engaging learning environment

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Top 1%, trained and mentored

All coding tutors have been hand-picked, mentored, and Trained by a network of Area exerts and peers.

Teach for us

If you have a degree in computer science (or an allied field), K-12 teaching experience, and a zeal to work with kids, we’d love to hear from you. We offer a supportive and enriching teaching environment. Our community of teachers is well-knit with plenty of opportunities for collaboration and growth. Our coding classes for kids emphasize fun and creativity, and our teachers report being very happy working for us.

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Send your Resume
and a video

Send in your resume/CV along with a 5-minute recording of you explaining a programming concept.
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Submit a demo
class recording

If you are shortlisted, you will hear from us. Submit a demo class recording (5-10 min) with concept explanations and live coding.
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Interview with

Interview with subject matter experts and area leads.


Teach What You Love. Join Us!

Our Teachers

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Manpreet Virk

Head of E-learning and an educator at SkoolofCode with degree in M.Phil and Master in Computer Science.Over the past 22 years, I have had wonderful opportunity to instruct a diverse group of elementary and middle school students, and as a result, I have developed highly effective teaching techniques and instructional methods, which have allowed me to educate all styles of learners, and foster a fun and engaging learning environment that effectively teaches computer science appreciation, promotes creativity, and encourages growing independence.One of my greatest strengths as an educator is meeting each student’s unique needs by developing a personal understanding of each one of them.

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Vineeta Chaudhary

I bring with me a wealth of expertise in the field of coding and computer. I have a B.Tech. degree in the field of computer science. I have been teaching at SkoolOfCode for over four years now and my aim is always to help young learners grow into confident and independent individuals, whilst also excelling academically. I have always been fascinated by the way young minds work and I am constantly amazed by the creativity and potential of my students. It is truly gratifying to see them progress and achieve their goals.

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Reena Verma

An educator at Skoolofcode with a Master's in Information Technology & Project Management; having diverse field expertise as an educator and author. I am a trainer, coder, and online teacher by profession. I have been teaching coding to students of all age groups and levels for the past 4 years and have loved every minute of it. My aim is to make my students capable of coding and be future-ready. I believe that coding is a very important skill for students to have in today's world.

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Chandani Gupta

An educator at SkoolOfCode with a degree in Computer science and experience as a software engineer. Teaching young students is like a 2-way process where I get to learn new things as well. I am passionate about teaching and take great pride in helping my students achieve their fullest potential. I firmly believe that every student is different and unique in their own way, and my teaching methods reflect this belief. I am patient and adaptable and I work with each student to find the best way for them to learn. My goal is always to help my students succeed.

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Shashwati Tosh

An educator at Skoolofcode with a B.Tech degree in Computer Science and 5+ years of experience in teaching young learners. I am extremely passionate about education and believe in its power to change lives. My aim is to make learning fun and engaging for my students so that they can stay motivated and excited about coding. I am patient and dedicated to my students, and I will always go the extra mile to help them succeed. I am excited to be a part of Skoolofcode and to help our students reach their full potential as coders.

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Mehak Dabra

Head of Scratch and DA domain and an educator at SkoolofCode with a degree in MCA (Master in Computer Application) and a diploma in teaching from Cambridge University. I have been working in the field of teaching for the past 5 years and have taught many students from across the globe. I am passionate about helping students learn to code and think creatively. My ultimate goal is to help students become better problem solvers and critical thinkers.

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Kadam Bambari

As an educator and curriculum developer with a Ph.D. degree in Electronics, I always look for ways to incorporate new technologies into my teaching. I have 9 years of teaching experience. My main areas of expertise are Microbit, Arduino, and Artificial Intelligence. I firmly believe that anyone can learn to code, no matter their age or background. I believe that learning should be progressive and ongoing, and children should be given ample opportunities to explore their creativity.

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Shivangi Gupta

I have been a facilitator for six years and teaching is my passion. Here at SkoolOfCode, I am taking Robotics courses. I enjoy being playful and teaching concepts to children because they come up with ideas that even adults never thought of before! It's amazing to see the awesome projects these curious, creative coders create. My favorite part about teaching is when a student has that "Aha!" moment when they finally understand a concept that they've been struggling with. It's so rewarding to see their faces light up and to know that I was able to help them figure it out.

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Hello, I'm Anika. I have a Masters in computer applications from a reputable university. Teaching youngsters is something that I am really enthusiastic about. I try to provide my students with an individualized approach and make learning enjoyable for them. I believe that every student is different, and should be treated accordingly. I am always ready to assist my students with their questions or concerns. To teach new ideas to my students, I keep updating my knowledge.

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An educator with a Master's in Computer Applications at Skoolofcode believes that the greatest achievement as a teacher is to understand and make students understand the fact that if knowledge is power, then learning is the superpower. I am passionate about teaching and believe that coding is the new world; it is essential for young minds to learn how to code as it is the future.

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Himani Gupta

My name is Himani. I have a long experience in programming, web development, and teaching young minds through online lessons. For me, teaching is like therapy because I'm training kids to acquire and master the skills that will be necessary in this fast-paced, developing world. We're teaching them the ability to develop skills that will be needed in a technological society.


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What is the qualification to be a coding tutor at SkoolOfCode?

All SkoolOfcode coding tutors are required to have a Bachelor’s or Master’s in Computer Sciences or allied fields like Electronics, Engineering, Robotics, or Maths. Also, Coding tutors have 3+ years of experience teaching coding to young kids, have excellent communication, engagement, and storytelling skills.

What are the key skills required to be a coding tutor at SkoolOfCode?

• Bachelors or Master in Computer Science or related field. A degree in education is a big plus

• Loves teaching kids. Experience working with children in an online setting • A maker who brings ideas, coding, and hardware together to create products

• Excellent written and spoken communication skills.

• Above all ability to have fun, turn heads with mischiefs and pull out tech surprises as a magician who weaves and entangles the most serious learning with fun and engaging methodology

What’s the job description for a coding tutor for the elementary grade?

• Bachelors or Master in Computer Science or related field. A degree in education is a big plus

• Expertise in one or more block-based programming frameworks like MIT Scratch, modules, Roblox Code studio and basic Lua scripting, MIT App inventor, Thunkable

• Hands-on block-based programming to convert ideas to functional working animations and games.

What’s the job description for a robotics tutor for the elementary grade?

• Bachelors or Master in Computer Science or related field. A degree in education is a big plus

• Expertise in block and text-based programming frameworks. Specifically Microbit for microbit courses, MakeCode with Scratch, Python and Javascript, Audrino with block-based and text-based coding.

• Hands-on block-based programming to convert ideas to functional working animations and games.

What’s the job description for a python tutor?

• Bachelors or Master in Computer Science or related field. A degree in education is a big plus

• Expertise in python and related modules like pygame, turtles, Django

• Hands-on programming

What’s the job description for a web development tutor?

• Bachelors or Master in Computer Science or related field. A degree in education is a big plus

• Expertise in web development with block-based and text-based programming - specifically working on web/internet, HTML, Document model, CSS, Javascript, and web development frameworks

• Hands-on web coding to build the front end and backends for websites