Computational Thinking: A Primer for Parents

Computational thinking for kids

As a parent, you may be wondering what computational thinking is and how it can benefit your child. Computational thinking is a skill all parents should be familiar with in order to provide their children with the best opportunity to succeed in the digital world.

 It is a key skill that is increasingly important in today’s world, as more and more of our daily lives involve using computers and technology to solve problems and make decisions. By incorporating computational thinking into your children’s learning, parents can help them develop the skills needed to be successful in the 21st century.

In this blog, we will provide an understanding of the importance of computational thinking and why it is essential for their children’s future success. Additionally, it will provide parents with some tips and strategies for teaching their children about computational thinking.

What is Computational Thinking?

Computational thinking is a way of solving problems and designing systems that involves breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable pieces, identifying patterns and relationships, and creating algorithms to solve those problems.

When teaching children about computational thinking, parents can use the following analogy to help them understand the concept:

Computational thinking is like playing a game of chess. Before you can make a move, you must first know the rules of the game and anticipate your opponent’s next move. You must also understand the objectives of the game and know how to win. In other words, you need to have a strategy. If a parent wants to teach their child about computational thinking, they should first have a basic understanding of its definitions and applications.

One way to think about computational thinking is to consider it as a way of thinking that is similar to the scientific method. Just as scientists break down problems into smaller pieces, gather data, and use that data to form hypotheses and make conclusions, computational thinkers break down problems into smaller pieces, gather data, and use that data to create algorithms and solve problems.

It can be applied to many areas, such as computer science, software engineering, data science, data engineering, mathematics, physics, biology, and social sciences. A computer scientist, for example, is someone who uses computational thinking to solve problems and design systems that involve the use of computers and computer networks.

Computational thinking is a valuable skill for people of all ages, as it can help us to approach problems in a logical, systematic way and find creative solutions. It is also an important skill for anyone working in fields related to computer science or technology, as it helps to build the foundation for more advanced programming and problem-solving skills.

What are the Key Skills for Computational Thinking?

Computational thinking involves a set of skills that can be applied to solve problems and design systems.

  1. Decomposition: Breaking a complex task into smaller, more manageable steps.
  2. Pattern recognition: Identifying patterns and trends in data, and using these patterns to make predictions or decisions
  3. Abstraction: Identifying the essential characteristics of a problem or system, and ignoring unnecessary details.
  4. Algorithmic thinking: Developing a step-by-step plan for solving a problem.
  5. Evaluation: Assessing the effectiveness of a solution or plan.
  6. Debugging: Identifying and fixing errors in a system or process.
  7. Collaboration: Working with others to solve problems and achieve goals.
  8. Communication: Clearly and effectively communicating ideas and solutions to others.

These skills can be applied to a wide range of fields and tasks, including baking a cake. Here are some examples of how computational thinking skills might be used in the process of baking a cake:

By developing these skills, individuals can become proficient at computational thinking and be well-equipped to solve complex problems and design systems in a variety of fields. The ability to exhibit these habits will serve the children well throughout their life and will aid them in educational pursuits.

How does Computational Thinking helps kids ?

Computational thinking can be very beneficial for kids as it helps to develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. By following the process of breaking down the problem to create an algorithm, kids can learn to approach problems in a logical and systematic way.

Computational thinking can also help kids to develop their creativity and innovation skills, as they are encouraged to come up with creative solutions to problems and think outside the box. Additionally, computational thinking can help kids to develop their communication and collaboration skills, as they work with others to solve problems and share their solutions and ideas.

There are many ways that kids can learn computational thinking, including through activities such as coding, robotics, and game design. These types of activities can be engaging and fun for kids, and can help to make learning about computational thinking more interactive and hands-on.

Overall, computational thinking is a valuable skill for kids to learn as it helps to prepare them for success in the 21st century.

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What can parents do to build Computational thinking skills in children?

There are many things that parents can do to help build computational thinking skills in their children:

Encourage problem-solving and critical thinking:

Encourage your child to think about problems and challenges in their daily lives and come up with creative solutions. This could be as simple as helping them to plan a play date with a friend or figure out how to organize their toys.

Introduce coding and other technology activities:

There are many online coding classes for kids and resources that can help kids to learn coding and other computational thinking skills. Some popular options include SkoolofCode, Scratch,, and Tynker.

Encourage creativity and innovation:

Encourage your child to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems. This could involve asking them to come up with a new invention or design a new game.

Encourage collaboration and communication:

Encourage your child to work with others to solve problems and share their ideas and solutions. This could involve working on a group project or asking them to explain their thought process to you or a sibling.

Use everyday problems as opportunities to practice computational thinking skills:

Look for opportunities in everyday life to encourage your child to think critically and solve problems. For example, if you’re planning a family vacation, you could ask your child to help you come up with a budget or plan the itinerary.

Connection with 4’C

Communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity are the cornerstones of education in the twenty-first century. Computational thinking, the capacity to find solutions to issues using algorithms and reasoning, might be the fifth ‘C’. It has features like data analysis and model design.

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Examples of Computational Thinking in Real Life for kids

There are many examples of computational thinking in real life that is suitable for kids, including:

  • Planning a play date
  • Building a puzzle

  • Designing a game
  • Organizing their toys

  • Solving a math problem:

Overall, there are many real-life situations that can be used to help kids develop their computational thinking skills and approach problems in a logical, systematic way.

How can Coding help kids develop Computational Thinking skills?

Coding can be a great way for kids to develop computational thinking skills. Educating your kids in the art of programming is the finest thing you can do for them since it fosters important life skills like perseverance, communication, creativity, and higher-order thinking.

There are numerous advantages to learning to code beyond the financial ones available in today’s job market. Make sure your children are utilizing age- and stage-appropriate materials to learn computer programming.

By learning to code, kids can develop skills such as decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithms, which are all key elements of computational thinking. Coding can also help kids to develop skills, as they work to create and debug their programs.

There are many resources available for kids to learn coding, including online tutorials, coding clubs, and summer camps. These types of activities can be engaging and fun for kids, and can help to make learning about computational thinking more interactive and hands-on.

Related reading:

SkoolOfCode offers online coding classes for kids and variety of age appropriate courses which helps kids develop computational thinking skills along with creativity, collaboration, and communication skills. It is important to choose age-appropriate courses to ensure that children can understand and engage with the material, and to make the learning experience enjoyable and rewarding.

All of us, whether we are parents, students, or teachers, have the ability to think computationally and can be considered natural computer scientists. Just like a computer, our brains are capable of processing information, troubleshooting problems, and creating simple algorithms on a daily basis.

Integrating Computational Thinking into STEM

STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) and computational thinking are closely related concepts that are important in many fields today.

STEM refers to the academic disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and math, and encompasses a wide range of subjects and fields of study. STEM education is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in these subjects, and to develop their critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills.

Computational thinking, as we have read above involves using computer science and programming concepts, such as algorithms, data structures, and logic, to solve problems and create solutions.

Both STEM and computational thinking are important in today’s world, as they are essential skills for many careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. They are also important for any individual who wants to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that can be applied in a wide range of situations.


Computational thinking is valuable skills are increasingly important in today’s world, as more and more of our daily lives involve using computers and technology to solve problems and make decisions.

Computational thinking is a skill that can be applied in a variety of contexts and at any age. It can be used by a child playing with Legos, a high school student studying algebra, or a professional creating a marketing strategy for their company. This skill is valuable for helping individuals to think logically and systematically, and to solve problems and design systems in an effective and efficient manner.

From playing a challenging game to solving a tricky puzzle, there are many examples of computational thinking in real life for kids. For example, playing a game like chess requires you to think strategically, consider different possible outcomes, and make logical decisions. Similarly, solving a Rubik’s cube or other types of puzzles can help kids develop problem-solving skills. Additionally, when kids are coding, they are engaging in computational thinking. By breaking down complex instructions into logical steps, they’re learning how to think computationally.

 Finally, something as simple as baking a cake can be a great way to practice computational thinking. By following the recipe, kids need to think logically and break down the instructions into steps. So don’t underestimate the power of computational thinking in real life – it can be both fun and educational. By doing so, you can help to build their computational thinking skills and set them up for success in the 21st century.


By – Ms. Manpreet Virk, Head of E-learning and an educator at SkoolofCode with degree in M.Phil. and Master in Computer Science. She is passionate about learning and teaching young minds.