A Parent’s Guide to Helping Your Child Focus and Concentrate

Focus and Concentrate

As a parent, you want your child to be successful and reach their potential. The ability to focus and concentrate is a key skill for children to develop. They need to be successful in school and life. That’s why parents need to be aware of the various techniques and strategies they can use to help their children focus and concentrate

When children are distracted and unfocused, it can be difficult to help them get back on track and stay on task. Fortunately, you can use a few simple strategies to help your child focus and concentrate better, so they can stay on task, achieve their goals, and learn more effectively.

In this blog, we’ll help you understand why focus is important, the importance of concentration, and a few tips to help your child develop both skills. This will help your child focus better in school and support their development as they grow.

Understanding Why It Is Important to Focus and Concentrate

Focus and concentration are two essential skills for success in school and life. It helps them learn and retain information, stay organized, and stay on task. It also teaches them to think critically and make better decisions.

Focus is also important for problem-solving and decision-making. When children can focus, they can think more critically and come up with creative solutions. They can also analyze complex problems and make effective decisions.

Concentration is also important for developing social skills. Focusing on a task helps children interact with others and work together more effectively. Concentration also helps children stay focused on the task at hand, which is important when working with others.

The following is a set of suggestions for how you, as a parent, can encourage your child’s growth and development. They are mainly divided into four main categories:

Assist Your Child in Concentrating their Mind

Tip 1: Do One Thing at a Time

One of the best ways to help your child focus and concentrate is to do one thing at a time. This helps them stay focused on the task at hand and not get distracted by other things. Encourage your child to focus on one thing and finish it before moving on to the next task. This will help them develop their concentration skills.

Tip 2: Teach Them How to Break Big Tasks Down

It can be difficult for children to stay focused when they’re faced with a large, daunting task. To help your child stay focused, teach them how to break big tasks down into smaller, more manageable chunks. This will help them stay focused and motivated, and it can also help them get their work done faster.

Start by breaking the task down into smaller steps. You can also create a timeline for when each step should be completed. This will help your child stay focused and on track. It’s also important to provide plenty of support and encouragement. This will help your child stay motivated to complete the task.

Tip 3: Make a List of Goals

Making a list of goals can also be helpful. This helps your child set clear objectives and gives them a sense of accomplishment when they complete them. It also helps them stay organized and focused on what needs to be done.

Make (Organised) Working Environments

Tip 4: Creating a Positive Environment

Creating a positive environment is essential for your child to focus. This means making sure the environment is comfortable and distraction-free. This means turning off the television, limiting screen time, and creating a space for studying without any technology.

It is also important to make sure your child has the resources they need to focus. This means providing them with the proper materials, such as pens, paper, and textbooks. It also means providing them with a comfortable chair and desk.

Tip 5: Make a Dedicated Workspace

Creating a dedicated workspace for your child is another great way to help them focus and concentrate. A dedicated workspace can help them stay organized, focused, and productive. Make sure the workspace is free from distractions such as TVs, phones, and other electronics.

Tip 6: Organize Notebooks and Notes

Organizing notebooks and notes are essential for helping your child stay focused and on task. Make sure their notes and notebooks are neat and organized so they can easily find what they need. This will help them stay on track and not get sidetracked.

Create Consistent Routines

Tip 7: Establishing a Routine

One of the best ways to help your child stay focused is to establish a routine. Having a daily routine can help your child stay organized and on task. Establishing a routine also helps your child stay motivated and reduce stress.

A routine should include a set time for waking up and going to bed, set times for meals, and a designated time for studying and homework. It is also important to include time for physical activity, outdoor play, and family time. This will help your child stay energized and motivated throughout the day.

Tip 8: Set Aside Time for Studying and Homework

It’s important to set aside time for studying and homework. This helps your child stay focused and not get distracted by other activities. Make sure the time is dedicated to studying and homework, and no other activities.

Tip 9: Plan Study Breaks

Taking study breaks is also important. This helps your child stay focused, as well as gives them a chance to rest and recharge. Encourage your child to take breaks, but make sure they don’t get too long.

Gain Concentration through Routine Tasks

Tip 10: Help Your Child Practise Mindfulness

Mindfulness is an important skill for helping your child stay focused and concentrate. You can help your child practice mindfulness by encouraging them to take a few moments to focus on their breath and be in the present moment.

Tip 11: Stimulate Cognitive Development with Games/Fun Activities

Playing games and engaging in fun activities can help your child stay focused and motivated in school. Not only can these activities help your child stay focused, but they can also help stimulate their cognitive development.

Look for educational games and activities that are designed to help your child learn and grow.

Problem-solving activities are a great way to help your child stay focused and motivated in school. These activities encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which can help your child stay, focused and complete their work faster.

Encourage your child to participate in problem-solving activities. These activities can include puzzles, board games, and brain-teasers. You can also find online activities and apps that can help your child stay focused and motivated.

Finding something your child is passionate and excited about can also help them stay focused and concentrate. This could be a hobby, a sport, or something else they love to do. This will help them stay motivated and focused on their task.

Tip 12: Allow Them to Experiment with Code

Coding is a great way to help your child and encourages problem-solving skills, which can help your child stay focused and motivated. The process of recognizing a problem, designing a solution, coding that solution, and testing it from many angles is facilitated.

Coding helps kids become more productive because it teaches them to follow directions, plan ahead, and create complicated thought patterns.

As higher education shifts to be increasingly tech-focused, it is important for students to have a foundational understanding of computational expertise. Coding prepares students for the jobs of the future by teaching them to think critically about the possibilities and constraints of technology, the knowledge that will be useful in higher education and in helping them make wiser choices in their daily lives.

There are many ways you can get your child started with coding for kids online classes. You can enrol them in a coding class you can book a free trial session or find coding tutorials online.

Tip 13: Making Adjustments to Your Child’s Schedule

If your child is having difficulty focusing, it may be helpful to make adjustments to their schedule. This means adjusting the amount of time they spend studying and the amount of time they spend on leisure activities.

It is also important to make sure your child is getting enough sleep. Having adequate sleep can help your child focus better and be more productive. It is also important to ensure your child is eating healthy and getting enough physical activity.

Tip 14: Creating a Reward System

Creating a reward system can help your child stay motivated and focused. This means setting up a system of rewards for completing tasks and staying focused. These rewards can be simple, such as a piece of candy or a special treat. It is also important to provide verbal praise and encouragement when your child completes a task.

Tip 15: Utilizing Technology and Apps to Help Your Child Focus

There are many apps and technology tools available to help your child focus. These tools can help your child manage their time, organize tasks, and stay on track. For example, there are apps that can help your child create to-do lists, set reminders, and track their progress.

Discuss School Strategies

Tip 16: Sit at the Front of the Classroom

For school-aged children, sitting at the front of the classroom can help them stay focused and concentrate. This helps them avoid distractions and stay on task.

Tip 17: Keep an Organized School Workspace

Finally, make sure your child’s school workspace is organized. This will help them stay focused and on task. Make sure their desk, books, and supplies are neat and organized so they can easily find what they need.

Tip 18: Learn How to Deal With Distractions

Distractions are inevitable, so it’s important to teach your child how to deal with them. Encourage your child to take a few deep breaths and focus on the task at hand. You can also help them by creating a quiet and distraction-free environment.

Diagnosing Focus Difficulties in Children

If your child is having difficulty focusing in school, they may be diagnosed with a learning disability or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is important to speak to your child’s doctor or a mental health specialist to determine if your child has a focus difficulty. The doctor may recommend therapy or medication to help your child manage their focus difficulty.


As a parent, it is important to understand why focus is important and how to help your child develop better focus and concentration skills. This guide can help you learn how to help and support their development as they grow. Here is a quick recap, we suggest you:

  • Do One Thing at a Time
  • Break Big Tasks Down
  • Make a List of Goals
  • Creating a Positive Environment
  • Make a Dedicated Workspace
  • Organize Notebooks and Notes
  • Establishing a Routine
  • Set Aside Time for Studying and Homework
  • Plan Study Breaks
  • Practise Mindfulness
  • Stimulate Cognitive Development with Games/Fun Activities
  • Experiment with Code
  • Making Adjustments to Your Child’s Schedule
  • Creating a Reward System
  • Utilizing Technology and Apps to Help Your Child Focus
  • Sit at the Front of the Classroom
  • Keep an Organized School Workspace
  • Learn How to Deal With Distractions

By implementing these strategies, you can help your child stay focused and motivated. Not only will this help them succeed academically, but it can also help them achieve their long-term goals. It is important to diagnose any focus difficulties your child may have and create a routine to help them stay focused.

To emphasize, the focus is a lot like exercising a muscle. Despite how “difficult” something may appear at first, it may be trained and used over time to become stronger. It’s dedication and reliability that counts. It’s crucial to remember that every child learns at a different rate, and you should adapt your approach accordingly. If you try to force them to grow at a rate that isn’t natural for them, you can end up doing more harm than good.

Never give up hope; they will understand in time.

By – Ms. Manpreet Virk, Head of E-learning and an educator at SkoolofCode with degree in M.Phil. and Master in Computer Science. She is passionate about learning and teaching young minds.