Which Key Skills Develop in Kids While Learning to Code?

Key Skills that develop

Coding is the process of transforming computer instructions into a form a computer can understand. It is a way of telling a computer what to do by creating a list of step-by-step instructions. Computer programming for kids is an important life skill. It helps children develop logical thinking and problem-solving abilities. It also teaches them how to think creatively, work collaboratively, and persevere when faced with challenges. These skills are important not only for those who want to pursue a career in the tech industry but for everyone. All of these skills are important for success in school and in life. More information on why kids should learn to code at an early age can be accessed in the blog. Coding is the new 21st-century skill that helps children develop logical thinking and problem-solving abilities. It also teaches them how to think creatively, work collaboratively, and persevere when faced with challenges. So, which key skills develop in kids while learning to code?

Learning to code can help children develop important skills like creativity, logic, problem-solving, and perseverance.

Let’s explore how coding is impacting our kids


Coding classes for kids helps children express their creativity in new ways. They can use coding to create animations, games, and websites. Coding requires children to think creatively in order to come up with solutions to problems. They need to be able to generate new ideas and think outside the box.

From: www.unsplash.com

Logical thinking

One of the benefits of coding is that it helps children develop logical thinking skills. In order to write code, children need to be able to think logically and identify patterns. This helps them understand how computers work and how they can give instructions to computers.


Students learn how to break down problems into smaller pieces and solve them systematically. This is a valuable skill for anyone, whether you want to pursue a career in tech or not. Also, in order to write code, children need to be able to break down problems into smaller pieces and figure out a step-by-step solution.

Problem Solving

Coding can also help children develop problem-solving skills. When something goes wrong with their code, they need to be able to troubleshoot the problem and find a solution. Coding often involves debugging, which means finding and fixing errors in code. This requires children to be able to identify problems and come up with solutions thereby improving their problem-solving skills.


Perseverance is an important skill for success in any area of life. This is especially true for coding, as it can be a challenging activity. Children need to be able to accept failures and be willing to try again after failing.

Apart from the skills listed above, there are other skills that get developed or which are a by-product of the above skills. The other skills are important life skills that benefit the child in the overall growth and thus shape his/her attitude. The other skills are listed below for your reference


When something goes wrong with their code, children need to be able to troubleshoot the problem and find a solution. This requires them to have patience and be able to think critically.

Patience is actually different from Perseverance. Patience is being okay with waiting and not getting frustrated when things take time. Perseverance is continuing to try even when you are facing difficulties.


Resilience is the ability to recover from setbacks. When children are coding, they will inevitably face challenges and make mistakes. It is important for them to be able to learn from their mistakes and keep going. This requires them to have resilience.


Grit is the ability to continue working on a project even when it is challenging or frustrating. Coding can be a difficult activity, and children need to be able to stick with it even when they want to give up. This requires them to have grit.

Self-motivation and discipline:

Coding requires children to be self-motivated and disciplined. They need to be able to stay focused on their work and persist when they encounter difficulties.


Coding is often done in collaboration with others. This requires children to be able to work well with others and communicate effectively.


Coding requires children to be able to concentrate for long periods of time. They need to be able to stay focused on their work in order to finish it.

Time management

Coding often involves working on projects with deadlines. This requires children to be able to manage their time effectively and meet deadlines.

So, these are some of the skills that children develop while learning to code. As you can see, coding is a great way to help children develop important life skills. If you’re looking for a way to help your child develop these skills, consider teaching them how to code and Book a FREE trial class today. Not only will they have fun, but they’ll also be developing skills that will benefit them throughout their life.

By – Dr. Kadam Bhambari ,an Educator at SkoolofCode with Ph.D. and MTech in Electronics. She is an expert in Microbit, Arduino, and Artificial intelligence.