Generative AI for Kids: Cool Tool, But Should They Still Learn to Code?

Generative AI for kids

In the age of generative AI, where algorithms can create code, art, and music autonomously, the question arises: Should kids still learn to code manually? Imagine this: your child excitedly tells you they want to build their own video game! But where do you even begin? The tech world can feel overwhelming, especially with the recent buzz around artificial intelligence (AI) that can seemingly create anything, even code. Generative AI tools are popping up everywhere, promising to bring coding to life with just a few clicks. So, with this magic at our fingertips, should we even teach our kids how to code the old-fashioned way? Buckle up, because while generative AI is a super cool tool for kids (AI for kids!), there’s a strong case for the enduring value of learning to code itself (coding for kids & online coding classes for kids). Let’s dive in and explore why both can play a vital role in igniting your child’s creativity and tech skills!


What is Generative AI?


Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can create new content, such as text, images, and even code. In simple terms, it learns from lots of examples and then uses that knowledge to generate new, original content. For instance, if you give it a topic, it can write a story about it, draw a picture, or even help you write a computer program.

For coding for kids, generative AI can be a fun and powerful tool. It can assist in creating simple games, animations, or interactive websites. Imagine a child wanting to build a game but not knowing where to start. With generative AI, they can get a basic game structure generated for them, which they can then modify and learn from.

Some popular examples of generative AI tools include:

  • ChatGPT: This tool can write stories, answer questions, and even help generate code snippets.
  • DALL-E: An AI that can create images based on descriptions provided by the user.
  • GitHub Copilot: An AI assistant that helps write code by suggesting lines and functions as you type, making it a great companion for online coding classes for kids.

Using these tools, AI for kids becomes more engaging and accessible, allowing them to explore and create in ways they might not have been able to before. These tools provide a playground for creativity, helping children learn and develop their coding skills in an exciting and interactive way.

Why Generative AI is a Cool Tool for Kids ?


  • Instant Playground: Imagine a world where you can dream up a cool game or animation and see it come to life with just a few clicks! Generative AI tools are like online coding playgrounds where kids can experiment with different ideas and see the AI bring them to life in seconds.
  • Spark Creativity: Stuck on a creative block? Generative AI can be your brainstorming buddy! Just feed it a few keywords or a basic concept, and watch it generate unexpected ideas and code that can spark your child’s imagination and set them off on a coding adventure.
  • Effortless Experimentation: Learning to code can involve a bit of trial and error. Generative AI tools take the sting out of those first attempts. Kids can try out different coding concepts and see the results instantly, allowing them to experiment fearlessly and build confidence in their coding skills.
  • Learning by Doing: The best way to learn something new is by doing it! Generative AI tools provide a hands-on environment where kids can play around with code, see the results, and tweak things until they get the desired outcome. It’s a fun and engaging way to grasp basic coding principles.
  • Boost in Confidence: Seeing their ideas come to life on the screen is a huge confidence booster for kids. Generative AI tools can help them experience the joy of creation and get them excited about exploring the world of coding even further.

In summary, generative AI is a fantastic tool for kids because it makes coding accessible, fun, and highly engaging. It empowers them to create, experiment, and learn in exciting new ways, making the world of technology more approachable and enjoyable.

How SkoolofCode is Building That Foundation


  • Comprehensive Curriculum: SkoolofCode’s online coding classes for kids cover both traditional coding skills and the latest AI technologies.
  • Interactive Classes: Engaging lessons with hands-on projects that use AI to make learning fun and effective.
  • Expert Guidance: Skilled instructors guide kids through the basics of coding and advanced AI concepts, ensuring a solid understanding.
  • Customized Learning Paths: Courses are tailored to fit each child’s interests and skill level, promoting a personalized learning experience.
  • Supportive Community: Kids learn in a collaborative environment where they can share ideas and work on projects together, fostering teamwork and creativity.
  • Resource Rich: Access to a variety of learning materials, tools, and projects that integrate both coding and AI, providing a well-rounded education.

With SkoolofCode, children not only harness the power of generative AI but also build a strong foundation in coding, equipping them with the skills to become tomorrow’s tech innovators.


The Myth: “With AI Generating Code, Do We Still Need to Learn Coding?”


With the advent of powerful AI tools that can generate code, it’s easy to assume that learning to code is becoming obsolete. This question frequently arises: “If AI can write code for us, why should we bother learning to code ourselves?”


Why Kids Should Still Learn to Code ?


Generative AI is like a super-powered calculator for coding. It can churn out lines of code in seconds, but just like a calculator can’t replace understanding math, generative AI can’t replace the true power of learning to code itself.

Think of it this way: sure, a fancy calculator can solve complex equations with a tap, but it doesn’t teach you the underlying principles of math. Similarly, generative AI can whip up basic code, but it doesn’t give kids a deep understanding of how that code works.

Here’s where the magic of actually learning to code comes in. By diving into the world of coding (coding for kids & online coding classes for kids), kids unlock a treasure chest of benefits:

  • Problem-solving Champions: Coding is like a detective story! Kids learn to break down problems into logical steps, analyze situations, and come up with creative solutions – a skill that will set them apart in any field.
  • Logic Masters: Coding is all about clear thinking. Kids develop rock-solid logical reasoning skills as they learn to organize their code and predict how it will behave – a superpower for tackling any challenge.
  • Creativity Unleashed: Coding isn’t just about following instructions! It’s a platform for creativity and innovation. Once kids have the basics down, they can personalize and customize AI-generated code, turning it into something uniquely their own.
  • Future-Proofing for Success: In our ever-evolving tech world, coding skills are a golden ticket. By learning to code, kids equip themselves with a valuable skillset that will open doors to exciting opportunities in the future.

So, while generative AI is a fantastic tool, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. When it comes to empowering kids to think critically, solve problems creatively, and become future tech wizards, there’s no substitute for the power of learning to code itself.


Generative AI and Coding: The Dream Team for Budding Tech Stars!


Imagine having a super-powered teammate who can help you brainstorm ideas and get a head start on your coding projects. That’s exactly what generative AI can be for kids learning to code (coding for kids & online coding classes for kids)!

Think of it like this: you have a fantastic idea for a game – maybe a space adventure where you collect rainbow crystals. Generative AI can be your awesome partner-in-crime, whipping up some basic code to get you started. This code might set up the game environment or create a character that can move around.

Now, here’s where the real magic happens. With the foundation laid by the AI, your coding skills take center stage! You can tinker and tweak the AI-generated code, adding features and customizing it to make your space adventure truly unique. Maybe you code in special powers for your character, or design dazzling animations for collecting those rainbow crystals.

In short, generative AI acts as a helpful springboard, giving you a jumping-off point to launch into your creative coding journey. It lets you experiment and test ideas quickly, all while giving you the power to refine and personalize the code to make it your own. It’s a fantastic way to learn and grow as a coder!



In conclusion, both generative AI and learning to code are essential for a child’s technological education. Generative AI opens up a world of creativity and immediate results, making coding fun and accessible. However, traditional coding skills are irreplaceable for developing deep problem-solving abilities, logical thinking, and long-term technological literacy. By combining the power of generative AI with the foundational knowledge gained from learning to code, children can become versatile and innovative tech creators.

We encourage parents to explore both of these exciting options for their kids. Incorporate generative AI tools to spark curiosity and creativity, while also investing time in learning the basics of coding. This balanced approach will ensure that children are not only consumers of technology but also skilled creators.

To get started on this educational journey, consider resources like SkoolofCode’s online coding classes for kids. These classes provide structured lessons, interactive activities, and expert guidance to help kids master the fundamentals of coding in a fun and engaging way. Embrace the future by equipping your child with the skills they need to thrive in the digital world and Book a Free trial class today.


By –Dr. Kadam Bhambarian Educator at SkoolofCode with Ph.D. and MTech in Electronics. She is an expert in micro:bit, Arduino, and Artificial intelligence.