Code, Create, Conquer: Summer Coding Camp for Kids

Summer Coding Camp for kids

Summer is a time for fun, relaxation, and adventure. But what if your child could also use it as an opportunity to learn something new and valuable? Introducing Summer Coding Camp for kids, an online summer coding education program that lets your child harness their creativity and build crucial skills, all within the comfort of your home.

Why Coding Camp?


In today’s rapidly evolving digital world, coding classes for kids is a fundamental skill that can unlock limitless possibilities for your child’s future. Coding Camp provides the perfect blend of learning and enjoyment through project-based, hands-on activities that will keep your child engaged and inspired all summer long.

Key Benefits:

  • Learn New Skills:

From the basics of programming for beginners to building interactive 2D/3D games and joining hands with AI to exploring sensors in Robotics, your child will learn essential coding skills in computer programming for kids that will empower them to create their digital masterpieces.

  • Utilize Time Wisely:

Make the most of the summer by giving your child a chance to develop skills that are not only fun but will also set them up for success in the future.

  • Project-Based Learning:

Your child will work on exciting projects that let them immediately apply what they’ve learned. By building real-world projects, they will see tangible results from their efforts.

  • Small Groups for Personal Attention:

With small group sizes, our instructors can focus on providing personalized attention, ensuring each child receives the guidance they need to thrive.


Anywhere Coding- Learn from anywhere

SkoolOfCode’s Summer Coding Camp, offers a transformative learning experience accessible from any location.



  • Interactive Virtual Sessions: Step into our online environment where your child can engage with instructors just like they would in a traditional classroom setting. With video conferencing and screen-sharing features, teachers guide students through group activities and provide personalized attention.
  • Tailored Learning Experience: We understand that every student has their own unique learning style. That’s why our camp leaders offer individualized support, assisting each camper with project design and debugging. Using advanced video conferencing technology, instructors can review and modify each camper’s code as necessary.
  • Intimate Group Settings: Our camp groups maintain a small size, with a maximum of 3 students per teacher. This ensures that every camper receives ample attention and support throughout their learning journey.

By offering a Summer Coding Camp that can be accessed from anywhere, SkoolOfCode opens doors to a world of opportunity for young learners. No longer constrained by geographical boundaries or logistical challenges, students can dive into the exciting realm of coding from virtually anywhere in the world. Whether they’re exploring the great outdoors, visiting family, or simply relaxing at home, coding education is just a click away.


Focused Expertise


SkoolOfCode curriculum delves deep into advanced programming using core languages like Scratch, Python, and Robotics. Our diverse specialty options include everything from 3D Game designing and Roblox to Block-Based coding with Scratch and Edublock, as well as App Development and Robotics. These pathway-based programs serve as standalone options for students with specific interests or as supplementary enrichment choices that enhance the versatility of any young coder, complementing their academic journey.



Grade 1 – 3

Interactive animations with Octo Studio  (Level – Beginner)
Octo Studio is a passport to a world of interactive animations and games that can be crafted on the go, whenever and wherever inspiration strikes. Here, young minds transform their tablets into gateways of limitless creativity.

Key Concepts Covered:

· Learn how to arrange commands in a logical sequence to create smooth animations and control game flow.

· Discover how to repeat actions and create dynamic, responsive behaviors using loops.

· Trigger actions with mouse clicks and use variables to store and manipulate data, making games and animations more interactive.

· Incorporate personalized photos and sounds to make projects uniquely creative and engaging.


Basic Gaming with Scratch  (Level – Beginner)

In this course, we’ll craft lively characters and immersive backgrounds using digital art tools. With Scratch’s animation capabilities, we’ll bring them to life, enabling dynamic interactions triggered by user clicks.

Key Concepts Covered:

·  Create dynamic interactions by enabling characters to detect objects or specific colors within the game world.

· Control characters and gameplay by responding to key presses, allowing for immersive user input.

·  Design games with multiple simultaneous events to create rich and engaging experiences.

·   Incorporate unpredictability and excitement into games using variables to randomize outcomes.


Grade 4-5
Game Development with Scratch (Level – Beginner)
In this course, young creators embark on an adventure in game design, learning coding basics and crafting their own interactive games using Scratch’s intuitive interface. Through hands-on activities and guided instruction, students unleash their creativity, bringing their imaginative ideas to life in a fun and engaging way.

Key Concepts Covered:

· Create dynamic interactions by enabling characters to detect objects or specific colors within the game world.

· Control characters and gameplay by responding to key presses, allowing for immersive user input.

· Design games with multiple simultaneous events to create rich and engaging experiences.

· Incorporate unpredictability and excitement into games using variables to randomize outcomes.

Advanced Gaming (Level – Intermediate)
In this course, we elevates young developers to the next level by applying progressive programming concepts to develop their own multiscreen games.

Key Concepts Covered:

· Learn how to create multiple instances of a game object using Scratch’s cloning feature to add complexity and depth to your games.

· Discover the power of functions (custom blocks in Scratch) to create reusable code and streamline game development.

· Store and manage game data using lists, enabling the creation of leader boards, inventories, and more.

· Implement multiscreen gameplay by creating scrolling backgrounds and expanding the playable game world.

Robotics with Micro:bit (Level: Beginner)
In this course, we Introduces students to the world of creative coding, robotics, and interactive design. With Micro:bit sensors and block-level coding, young programmers will create images, animations, and games while exploring the real world.

Key Concepts Covered:

·       Apply the principles of design thinking to brainstorm, prototype, and build interactive projects.

·    Collect and analyse data from the Micro:bit sensors to gain insights and refine projects.

·     Use radio signal to communicate between Micro:bit devices.


Grade 5-6

mBot STEM Adventures (Level: Beginner)
Imagine sparking your child’s curiosity about tech and science in a fun and engaging way. The mBot Robotics course turns playtime into a future-focused adventure. Build, code (Block-code), and explore – watch STEM learning come to life with amazing robots.

Key Concepts Covered:

·       Assemble your mBot and understand the basics of circuitry and electronics.

·       Use sensors to detect light, obstacles, and more, enabling your robot to navigate and interact with its environment.

AI for Curious Minds (Level: Beginner)
Introduces young learners to the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence through hands-on projects using block coding and Google’s Teachable Machine. It’s playtime powered by AI – where imagination meets invention.

Key Concepts Covered:

·       Learn how to gather, label, and train data to teach machines to recognize patterns.

·       Import pre-trained machine learning models for instant application in your projects.

·       Combine machine learning models with block coding to create interactive AI applications.

·       Test your models on real-world data and refine them for better accuracy.

Python with EduBlocks (Level: Beginner)
EduBlocks makes learning Python as easy as snapping blocks together. It’s a fun and interactive way to learn Python programming with blocks and a user-friendly interface.

Key Concepts Covered:

·       Learn how to make decisions in code using “if-else” statements to create dynamic programs.

·       Discover the power of repeating tasks using “for” and “while” loops to streamline coding processes.

·       Understand how to store and manipulate multiple values in a single variable using lists.

·       Explore Python’s rich collection of built-in and external modules to expand your programming toolkit.

Roblox Game-Designing (Level: Intermediate)
“Roblox Game-Designing” introduces young creators to the world of game development within the Roblox environment. Through this course, students will learn to design and code fun games using Roblox Studio and Lua scripting.

Key Concepts Covered:

·       Get familiar with Roblox Studio, learning how to navigate the workspace and use essential tools.

·       Design the visual and interactive elements of the game, including terrain, characters, and game objects.

·       Learn Lua programming basics to add interactivity and logic to your games.

·       Test, refine, and publish your games for others to play on the Roblox platform.

HatchXR 3D Game Dev (Level: Beginner)

HatchXR 3D Game Dev” introduces students to the exciting world of virtual reality and 3D game development. Using block programming, learners will create immersive 3D games while exploring fundamental programming concepts in a fun and engaging way.

Key Concepts Covered:

·       Understand the basics of User Interface (UI) design to create attractive and user-friendly game menus and HUDs (Heads-Up Displays).

·       Learn essential programming concepts using visual blocks, such as variables, loops, and conditionals.

·       Gain mastery over the 3D coordinate system to position and move objects within the 3D space.

·       Duplicate game objects efficiently using cloning techniques, while maintaining consistent design and style.



Grade 6-8
Intro to Python (Level : Beginner)
This course is designed to help students understand, identify, and apply the fundamentals of programming using Python. Through engaging lessons and hands-on projects, learners will explore the essentials of Python, from basic data types to user-defined functions.

Key Concepts Covered:

·       Learn to create and use variables, and understand different data types like strings, integers, and floats.

·       Master conditional statements (“if-else”) and loops (“for” and “while”) to control the flow of your programs.

·       Discover how to store, retrieve, and manipulate data efficiently using lists and dictionaries.

·       Explore Python’s built-in functions while learning to create your own reusable functions.


IMPORTANT: Technical Requirements

  • Computer: Ensure your device meets the following specifications: PC (Windows XP or later), Mac (OS X 10.7 or later), or Chromebook with a built-in webcam. We recommend a device with at least a 2 GHz processor and 2 GB of RAM. Specific camps may have additional technical requirements, which will be communicated in advance.
  • Internet: A reliable broadband connection is essential, with a minimum of 1.2 Mbps download and 600 Kbps upload speeds.
  • Webcam: You can use either an external webcam or the built-in camera on your device, as many laptops come equipped with one.
  • Microphone and Speakers: For optimal experience, we recommend headphones with a built-in microphone. However, any functioning microphone and speakers will suffice, especially in a quiet environment.

SOFTWARE INSTALLATION: Certain courses may require software installation /pre login account creation before the start date. Detailed instructions will be provided to registered campers well in advance.


Ready to Get Started?


Equip your child with valuable coding skills that will ignite their creativity and prepare them for the future. Follow these simple steps to join our online coding classes for kids community:

Visit Our Website: Go to Summer Camp .

Select Courses: Choose the courses that best fit your child’s interests and skill level.

Complete Registration: Fill out the registration form and make your payment.

Prepare for the Journey: Review the technical requirements, install any required software, and mark your calendar for the camp start date.

If you have any questions or need assistance, our friendly team is here to help. Reach out to us at or call at +1 425-305-4645

Enrol your child today and let them embark on a fun and educational coding adventure this summer



Ms.Manpreet Virkan educator at SkoolOfCode with a degree in M.Phil and Master in Computer Science. She is passionate about learning and teaching young minds.